The BSA chartered a new Pack to Hillside UMC in the 9 month (September) of 1994.
The pack number comes from the month and year of charter inception. The Cherokee Pickens District Executive Mark Turner met with Senior Pastor Greg Porterfield in the summer of 1994 to discuss the growth of a new pack and troop for the Woodstock area. The Pack had about 20 boys in the fall of 1994.
Stan Chesson was the first Cubmaster with Mike Murphy as Assistant Cubmaster. Most of the boys transferred from Pack 639 Woodstock Christian Church. Many scouts lived in Towne Lake, so the creation of a new pack and troop made for a short commute to Hillside UMC. Mark Turner limited the number of transfers to keep both packs sustainable with growth potential.
Gary Kirk and his Webelos den dads built the first wooden Pinewood Derby track for the pack in the Fall of 1994. Since our humble beginnings the pack is thriving with the strong support of Hillside community. The Pack Committee since then has purchased Space Derby gates and a four lane aluminum Pinewood Derby track.
The first LEGO Derby took place in the summer of 2011 with guidance from Troy Cash, Warren Johnson, and Hamlin Boswell. The LEGO Derby gives the boys a LEGO snap type wheels and axel base so they can build a car to race in 10-15 minutes, without dads’ assistance.
Pack 994 joined forces with other local Woodstock Packs to march in the 2012 July 4th parade. The group was estimated at 150 scouts and made quite a showing to the community. The march was led with 9 Woodstock Pack flags followed by a long line of cub scouts and rounding out the end was a huge U.S. flag carried by the Boy Scout Troops.
The Pack continues its search for more milestones and details to record as part of its history.
Pack 994 Cubmasters
2022-2023 Turner Creech
2021-2022 Turner Creech
2020-2021 David Williamson; ACM MIchael Goodwin
2019-2020 Trey Drawdy ACM David Williamson & Michael Goodwin
2018-2019 Trey Drawdy ACM David Williamson
2017-2018 Nick Zomer ACM Greg Tellason
2016-2017 Greg Tellason ACM Nick Zomer
2015-2016 Norm Visger ACM Greg Tellason
2014-2015 Norm Visger ACM Greg Tellason
2013-2014 Drew Hyman ACM Jeff Fornuto
2012-2013 Drew Hyman ACM Jeff Fornuto
2011-2012 Troy Cash ACM Dave Baukema & Jeff Fornuto
2010-2011 Troy Cash ACM Dave Baukema & Jeff Fornuto
2009-2010 Greg Holden ACM Troy Cash & Dave Baukema
2008-2009 Greg Holden ACM Derek Jones
2007-2008 Greg Holden ACM Patricia Breaux
2006-2007 Greg Holden
2005-2006 Tom Rollbuhler ACM Mike Hayes
2004-2005 Tom Rollbuhler
2003-2004 Ed Archer
2002-2003 Ed Archer
2001-2002 Chip Wilson ACM Ed Archer
2000-2001 Chip Wilson ACM Ed Archer
1999-2000 Chip Wilson ACM Eric Okerblad
1998-1999 Chip Wilson ACM Eric Okerblad
1997-1998 Chip Wilson ACM Eric Okerblad
1996-1997 Tim Glavin ACM Chip Wilson
1995-1996 Mike Murphy
1994-1995 Stan Chesson ACM Mike Murphy